The garden is closed for the season, lots of salsa made, apples canned for cobbler, tomatoes put away for chili and soup, oh what to do. Cold weather will be approaching soon. I have a list which includes cleaning out my computer room, redecorating my bedroom, painting my hallway and guest room, making a headboard for the guest room, complete at least 3 scrapbooks, make Christmas gifts, and plan my garden for next season.
This week-end my grandson and I made our annual trip to the pumpkin patch. We picked out pumkins and enjoyed great carnival food. We consumed pizza, popcorn, fried fish, and funnel cake. This is our 5th year, I'm hoping to keep the tradition going for a few more years. We always have a great time.
Mawmaw doesn't have the greatest carving skills, but we had a great time. I need to head to Michaels to pick out a few scarecrows to go with my pumpkins and mums and carve a few more pumpkins to go with my grandson's ghosts, cobwebs, and spiders.
Do you decorate for fall or halloween? Please share your decorating ideas. How do you spend your time during the winter? Are you planning your garden for next season? If so, what do you plan to plant next year that you didn't plant this season?