I dream about you every night and every day. These words are lyrics to a song, but it's also how I feel about home grown veggies. I love them, and I can't wait to dig in dirt this spring and summer. I have the garden mulched with leaves from my neighbor's yard. I acquired at least 20 bags of leaves and 3 bales of straw at the end of the season. The straw will be used as mulch and weed control in the garden. The leaves will be used in the compost bin and as an amendment in the garden.
I've done some winter sowing and started a few seeds inside. I've read that you should buy good seed, but what does that really mean? I've purchased my seed from the local hardware when they're on clearance, the Dollar Store, Ebay to on-line growers. So far, I've had success from all. This year I'm going to try saving seed, at least from my heirloom tomatoes.
I like a little creativity in my garden. Last year I added an antique orchard ladder. This season, I would love to add a wagon wheel. I saw this picture at Two Men and A Little Farm blog, and thought it was a creative way to add the wheel to my garden. I found 2 wheels on Craig's List. If I'm able to purchase one for a reasonable price, I'll be building this wagon wheel herb garden. I've also thought about alternating yellow and orange marigolds in it. Should I do the herbs or marigolds? If this doesn't work, I have my eye on an antique plow.
While I'm waiting to make a deal on the wheel, I've checked my seeds and this is what will hopefully be planted in my 2013 Garden if all germinate:
- Tiffen Mennonite
- Cherokee Purple
- Hillbilly
- German Johnson
- Delicious
- Early Girl
- Pink Brandywine
- Homestead
- Salt & Pepper
- National Pickling
- Straight Eight
- Bush Blue Lake
- Bush Jade
- Pole Blue Lake
- Hungarian - Yellow Wax
- Jalapeno
- Cayenne - Mix of colors
- Belle - Grand Bell Mix
- Spinach - Giant Noble
- Zucchini
- Squash
- Lavender
- Basil
- Dill - Long Island Mammoth (Purchased from Big Lots last year. Germinated and did great)
- Chives
- Oregano
I'm going to try growing Zinnia, Snapdragon, Petunias and Marigolds this year too. We'll see how that goes. What are you planning to grow this year.