I need carrots, peas, green beans, squash, and pumpkins for the baby. I'm so excited, I'll be extending my garden in the next few weeks to prepare for the planting of peas, carrots and additional green beans to can and freeze. Although my grandson is happy and healthy, I'm excited that my daughter will feeding the new baby all natural products. A food processor will go on her list of baby shower gifts, which I will be hosting in October.
I have another blog, Mother 2 Mother which focuses on parenting tips, product reviews for children, give aways, recipes and whatever else enters my mind. For those who have children or grandchildren, if your interested in following Mother-2-Mother, head over and hit the follow button. Since I started this blog I haven't updated Mother-2-Mother in a few months, but I do intend to start updating it regularly in next few weeks.

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