Do you soak your peas before planting them? Since I'm a novice gardener, I try to research or make notes from more experienced gardeners blogs. I read that you should soak peas at least 8 hours before planting. So I did! Little did I know that they would increase during that time period. OMG, it was like an explosion in those little bowls, lol.
I decided to do a succession planting of the Wando sweet pea. So far they're progressing nicely. I'm looking forward to harvesting these sweet peas for soup and baby food. I also planted a few Nantes baby carrots and more Blue Lake green beans. We've had lots of rain the past week, so I'm hoping that they all germinate. If the weather cooperates this week-end, I'll put in spinach and a few Cherokee Wax Bean plants for black bean soup and dip. Need to get the garlic and strawberries in for next year's harvest too. What's in your fall garden?

What a great idea! I've heard of it but never tried it. I really wanted to do a fall planting of peas but the grasshoppers were just terrible this year - they ate my lettuce to the ground. And I've been missing your posts but just now realized that my googlereader isn't reading anything. Thanks for your comments on my blog. I always appreciate them. The Heirloom tomatoes that I grew were Pink Brandywine and Red Beefsteak - the nice thing is that if you get too many at once you can also use them for tomato sauce. The pink one is sweeter and a better slicer if you ask me. The red has more of a core that's a pain. Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteThere will be nothing in my fall I have never heard of soaking peas before planting them.But hey if it works then why not.
ReplyDeleteI only plant peas in the spring, and our ground is usually quite wet so I don't soak the peas. I do toss them in water for just a few minutes, then drain them and sprinkle on some inoculant just before planting.
ReplyDeleteSo you do soak your pea seeds? I never have and they always germinate, but slowly. Perhaps I should be more disciplined and diligent next year. In my fall garden? Still potatoes to be dug, finishing off spaghetti squash and butternut squash (my fav), tomatoes still ripening. Spring bulbs on their way, which we will plant in a few weeks, then the gardens will be put to bed for the winter.
ReplyDeleteI'll have to remember these tips. I'm a novice as well and so glad that I found blogging gardeners, novices, and experts alike to learn from.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing.. and Happy Fall harvesting.
I never soak peas or beans or corn before planting. When I plant I want to plant today. I don't want to soak today and then plant tomorrow. I have had success with corn, bean, and pea transplants.