I worked diligently last night to slice 2 flats of strawberries. I am proud to say, they are securely in the freezer waiting to be used in soothies and whatever recipe I can find. We made Strawberry Grahams this afternoon and they were wonderful. My daughter was the first to grab a Graham from the plate. She practically inhaled them.
We used Graham crackers, whipped cream and fresh strawberries to make this wonderful treat. I modified the original recipe, which called for sugar and vanilla to be added to the whipped cream. We just used the whipped cream as is. My 4 year old grandson does not need a sugar rush believe me. Especially, when his mommy is looking on.
My 9 month old granddaughter enjoyed the delicious treat too as my grandson looks on. This was her first taste of whipped cream, and she loved it. She was still smacking her lips long after it was gone, lol. If you have children or grandchildren, they will enjoy making them as much as eating them. Great way to use fresh strawberries!

The grandbabies are so precious. Little ones do seem to love strawberries and they are a healthy indulgence. Cream and berries are a natural. Good job Grandma.